Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Electric Tesla Motors

Electric Tesla Motors officially for sale in the country of the electric.

It is may with reservation of through from 80,000 pesos from the company web page,whose Executive Director is Elon Musk. Even though the final price to the consumerhas not been determined, rely beginning at 75,000 dollars plus taxes, although themore expensive versions of the model could reach 145 000 dollars taking as intoconsideration improvements duration one more battery, as well as additional,including functions and design to hypervelocity.

Are scheduled to depart for the second semester units surrender of next year.I will vehicle of 100 kilometers zero and it can be reached in three second to 425 kmDistance, without is recharging and even with sunroofand you can enable space fortwo children and five adults.

Inaddition, the Company Preval incrementing the Red boots in the country for theusers who make travel more broad though they offer performance in load completeup to 425 kilometers, without necessity of reconnection, which series Equivalent tomake three trips round of the Federal District of Cuernavaca.Same as he charged at any auto outlet may, eight hours in only.WITH powerStill doesnot have one when formal Mexico company to shop, rely on one for thesecond aperture quarters of 2016 the company handle with other brands couldcompete another range, such as Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW.According to a directive from the company, I have the Mexican market potential islarge, although they discarded but sales projections, since you still do not have them.I have car to operate the automatic pilot, and thanks to the cameras sensors, althoughin straight lines recommended long is when it is stable traffic.

Tesla Motors

Robert Rose, expert in technology of autonomous responsible driving of the newly developed by Tesla Motors, autopilot has been signed by Google, but not for work on your project's car without a driver.

Rose, who before Tesla worked as Chief Engineer on some rockets of SpaceX, also founded by Elon Musk, has entered into the division of Robotics of Google, where it will work on other types of robots different from autonomous cars, which is not yet known, as reported by Business Insider.

Known internally as the Replicant, division of Robotics Google works projects secretly in "make robots more accessible to applications in the real world and the search for situations that can help people in tedious tasks", as described a recent work of a software of this engineer division.
The Ministry of industry, tourism and commerce has approved, and thus consists in the official State Bulletin (BOE), the installation of the supercargadores the US company Tesla Motors electric car.

In this sense, authorizing installation of Tesla connectors for ultra fast charging of nominal power stations greater than 100 KW, new charging points or the renewal of existing charging points, up to 18 November 2017, based on which such connectors have an equivalent level of safety to the connectors defined in the instruction technique complementary (ITC) BT-52.

This decision comes after Tesla Motors Netherlands, as leader of the European project Supercharger, requested the General Secretariat of industry and small and medium-sized enterprises that it proceed to the provisional adoption of alternative technical requirements which allow the use of charging systems that comply with the IEC regulations in recharge stations of electric cars with a power of 100 kW without that must be subjected to the restrictions of the Combo 2 connector.

The Government has explained that these supercargadores deliver an output of 135 kW electricity, allowing users of cars to charge 80% of the battery of your vehicle over a period of between 20 and 30 minutes and be able to travel 400 kilometers with a very short recharge.